metamorphic core complex

美 [ˌmetəˈmɔːrfɪk kɔːr kəmˈpleks]英 [ˌmetəˈmɔːfɪk kɔː(r) ˈkɒmpleks]
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metamorphic core complexmetamorphic core complex
  1. The metamorphic core complex is an important rheologic pattern of continental extension .


  2. The Xiaoqinling metamorphic core complex experienced two stages of extension with different mechanism .


  3. Metamorphic core complex structure with rich characteristics ;


  4. Characteristics of Fangshan metamorphic core complex , beijing and a discussion about its origin


  5. The high sr , low y granite in the metamorphic core complex and its geological significance


  6. Really exist postorogenic metamorphic core complex in Western henan ?


  7. Determination of metamorphic core complex in East Pamir


  8. Extensional kinematics and shear type of the Hohhot metamorphic core complex , Inner Mongolia


  9. The study of the metamorphic core complex has important significance for the understanding of the crustal evolution and mineral exploration in southeastern Yunnan .


  10. It is therefore held that the Yiwulushan metamorphic core complex system must have played an important controlling role in the formation of gold deposits .


  11. A preliminary study indicates that genetically , the deposit is related to the Qungdo'gyang metamorphic core complex , longitudinal faults and Jurassic stratum .


  12. The results of this research list below : ( 1 ) Liaonan metamorphic core complex has a three-layer structure and is constituted by five parts .


  13. The composition and texture of the metamorphic core complex show features of symmetrical extension and asymmetric uplifting and a rapid uplifting period within 130 to 100 Ma .


  14. Yiwul ü shan mountain is proved to be a metamorphic core complex formed in Cretaceous according to field survey , microstructural analysis , and isotropic dating .


  15. The metamorphic core complex of South Kalatag is located in the Zhongtianshan terrane in the Dongtianshan region .


  16. Deformation Characteristics of Middle Ductile Rheological Bed of the Yiwul ü shan Metamorphic Core Complex in Western Liaoning Province Journal of Shanxi Medical University ( Preclinical Medical Education Edition )


  17. The evolution of the XMSZ demonstrates that the North Dabie dome is a metamorphic core complex developed in the Dabie orogenic belt during post-orogenic extension .


  18. Meanwhile , its emplacement is closely related to the Liaonan metamorphic core complex , so this point provides an uncommon opportunity to studying the tectonic mechanism of the early Cretaceous magmatism .


  19. According to a detailed study of Early Proterozoic extensional structures on the eastern margin of Northern China Platform and comparison with the metamorphic core complex , an uplift-bedding slide structural model has been put forward .


  20. The south and north sides of the metamorphic core complex are all grown in the large scale superposed basin , and north side forms a " young " straight fault and syntectonic magmatic rock .


  21. In the metamorphic core complex ( MCC ) and the metamorphic arch , Jiangxi and Hunan area , there is an obvious correlation between the late brittle fault and the early subordinate ductile structure .


  22. In light of long run thermal evolution of the concerned area , the Harkin metamorphic core complex can be considered as a typical example of crust extension caused by thermal upwelling of mantle and intrusion of magma .


  23. The metamorphic core - complex structre in South Liaoning


  24. The study of geological action of fluid inclusions is important for us to know the condition of formation , the tectonic evolution and the dynamics process about high-pressure , ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic and core complex .
